
Software engineer with 10+ years experience in distributed event streaming, embedded systems, database applications and data analysis. Seeks a team of like minded individuals.


Sysadmin & Software Consultant
Interex · Oakland, CA
June 2022 - Present
Full Stack Engineer
MadeFromScratch · Oakland, CA
Apr 2020 - Present
Open Hardware Designer
Sudomesh & Disaster Radio · Oakland, CA
Sept 2017 - March 2020
Backend Engineer
AltSchool · San Francisco, CA
Apr 2014 - Oct 2015
Embedded Software Engineer
All Power Labs · Berkeley, CA
Jan 2012 - Nov 2013
Independent Goldsmith
July 2010 - Jan 2012
Application Developer
Eatec Solutions of Agylysis, Inc · Emeryville, CA
July 2005 - July 2010
Electronics Repair · San Luis Obispo, CA
Sept 2004 - July 2005
Network Administrator
Rochdale Village · Berkeley, CA
Sept 2003 - Jan 2004


Bachelors in Physics
University of California, Berkeley

Additional courses: