Baking Powder

Yields: 1 tbs


Aebleskiver (Pancake balls)



Aebelskiver pan

Time Frame

Prep Time: 45 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour


20-30 Ableskiver balls



  1. Separate the egg whites and yolks in separate bowls.
  2. Whisk the sugar and egg whites fluffy and stiff. The bowl must be completely clean and dry. A tiny bit of water will make the eggs whites impossible to whisk stiff. Set aside.
  3. Mix the egg yolks, all-purpose flour, baking soda, salt and vanilla sugar together in a separate bowl.
  4. Use a hand mixer to mix the ingredients while gradually adding the buttermilk. Keep mixing until the batter is uniform.
  5. Melt the butter and let it cool off a bit. Slowly add the cooled butter to the buttermilk mixture while whisking.
  6. Use a wooden spoon or similar to slowly mix the stiff eggs whites in the batter.


  1. Heat up the Aebleskive pan at medium heat and add a small piece of butter in each hole. Fill the holes 3/4 with the Aebleskive batter.
  2. Wen the batter starts to get firm and you can turn them over without cracking, then turn the Aebleskiver 90 degrees (using a wooden stick or similar) and let the batter flow into the pan.
  3. At this point there is a hole in the side of the Aebleskive. Pour a little extra batter into the hole and turn the Aebleskive another 90 degrees so that the hole gets closed.
  4. When the Aebleskiver have a solid surface turn them regularly so they get an even and light-brown crust.


Fillings: Chocolate chips, jam or cooked apple pieces can be added at the end before filling the hole.

Waffle Batter





  1. Mix dry ingredients
  2. Work butter into dry ingredients by hand until ball is formed
  3. Roll out, cut into shapes, and prick with fork
  4. Bake at 350F for 12-15 min.
  5. Cool on wire tray, dusting with powdered sugar while still warm

Sourdough Flour Tortillas



  1. In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the flour, sourdough starter and fats with fork.
  2. Dissolve salt in warm water by stirring until the majority of the grains disappear
  3. Pour salt water over flour mixture and stir into shaggy dough
  4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured counter and knead briefly, just until the dough forms a ball. If the dough is very sticky, gradually add a bit more flour.
  5. Measure the ball on a scale and cut into 60 equl segments (~85g).
  6. Divide the dough into 6 pieces. Round the pieces into balls, flatten slightly, and allow them to rest, covered, for at least 30 minutes
  7. While the dough rests, preheat an ungreased cast iron griddle or skillet over medium high heat, about 400°F.
  8. Working with one piece of dough at a time, place roll between two sheats of plastic, and roll into a round as thin as possible. Keep the remaining dough covered while you work. Fry the tortilla in the ungreased pan for about 30 seconds on each side. Wrap the tortilla in a clean cloth when it comes off the griddle, to keep it pliable. Repeat with the remaining dough balls.
  9. If there are leftovers, allow them to cool completely, then wrap tightly in plastic and store in the refrigerator. Reheat in an ungreased skillet, or for a few seconds in the microwave.

Pizza Dough

Yield: 5 pies



As Bread (two loaves)

On Baking Stone

In Dutch Oven

Hollandaise Sauce


Yields: 1 cup



Masa Harina



  1. In a medium pot, rinse corn until clean and no floating bids come to surface; pick out any stones that may be hiding among the corn kernels.
  2. Add pickling lime and set over high heat. Bring to a simmer, adjusting heat down to lower setting to maintain simmer. Cook until corn is tender but not overly soft, (60-75 minutes). (You can chew a kernel up to test, or break one open: It's done when the kernel looks mostly hydrated but still has a tiny core of visible starchiness.) The timing can vary based on corn type, so start checking at 30 minutes and continue cooking beyond 45 minutes if it's still too raw. Top up with water as needed to keep corn submerged.
  3. Remove from heat, cover pot, and let corn stand at room temperature overnight. The bran on the corn should now rub off easily. Drain corn in a colander, set under running cold water, and rub kernels vigorously between hands to remove most of the bran; corn should turn a brighter shade as bran comes off. Allow to drain well, then transfer corn to a food processor.
  4. Process corn at high speed, adding oil and small amounts of water as you needed, to help the blades process the corn, about 10 minutes; scrape down the sides of the bowl at least a few times during processing. The dough is ready when it's no longer grainy but sticks together. No large chunks of kernels should remain.




Plum Sauce

Time Frame

1-2 hours depending upon desired thickness 30 minutes canning


8 1/2-pints (4 pints)



  1. Combine ingredients in pan, bring to a boil and then reduce heat. Cook until thickened, about an hour.
  2. For a smooth sauce, puree with an immersion blender right in the pot and continue cooking for another hour, or until the sauce reaches the desired thickness.
  3. Ladle sauce into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Attach lids and rings. Process 20 minutes in a boiling-water canner. Remove to a cloth to cool completely.
  4. Test lids, label jars, and use within a year or so.

Vegetarian Pad Thai


Marinated Tofu


Marinated Tofu

Broad Rice Noodles Haw Fun

Yields: about 1 pound of noodles



  1. In a large liquid measuring cup whisk together the flour, cornstarch and salt. Add the cold water and 3 tablespoons oil (you can reduce the oil to 1 1/2 tablespoons but the noodle will not be as tender). Whisk until batter is smooth and free of lumps.
  2. Bring water to a boil over high heat in a covered 10 3/4-inch bamboo steamer. Brush about 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of oil only on the bottom of a 9 1/2-inch pie dish. You can also use a 8-inch metal cake pan but the slanted sides of a pie plate make it easier to slip a spatula under the noodle once it’s cooked. Ladle about 3 tablespoons of the batter in the oiled pie plate. Tip the plate from side to side to completely spread the batter over the bottom of the plate. Turn off the heat to prevent getting a steam burn. Then, carefully place the pie plate into steamer making sure the plate is level. Return the heat to high. Cover, and steam 3 to 4 minutes or until crepe is formed. Carefully remove pie plate from steamer. Let set for a few minutes to cool. Use a flexible spatula or a cheese slicer to loosen crepe from plate and roll up. Remove rolled noodle to a plate or cutting board.
  3. To facilitate the cooking, use 2 pie plates; one can be cooking while the other one is cooling off. Wipe the used pie plate clean with a paper towel, oil again and repeat procedure until all the batter is used. Make sure to monitor the water level in the wok. It will definitely need to be replenished several times as you continue steaming the noodles. If there is any sticking in the pie plate, wash the plate and dry before oiling. The steamed rice noodles are now ready for stir-frying or to be stuffed with fillings. For stir-frying cut the rolls into 1/2 to 3/4-inch wide strips.

Shaker Lemon Pie



  1. Shave the unpeeled lemons into very thin slices and pick out any seeds. You should have about 2 cups of sliced lemons. Toss with the sugar and salt and set aside to macerate (this can done overnight in the fridge).
  2. Whisk together the eggs and vanilla in a separate bowl.
  3. Lightly grease a 9-inch pie dish or tart pan. Roll out half of the dough between two pieces of wax paper into a circle. Peel off the top layer of wax paper. Place your pie dish upside down on the pie dough round, and carefully flip the pan and dough over. Peel away the wax paper on that side and carefully press the dough into the pan. There should be about 1/2 inch to 1 inch of dough above the lip of the pan. Tuck under and roll this extra dough, and pinch tight to the side of the pan.
  4. Brush the bottom of the crust with beaten egg yolks. Stir the sliced lemons into the egg and vanilla mixture and spread this in the pie pan.
  5. Roll out the other half of the dough between two pieces of wax paper. Place this dough round on top of the pie dish and trim to fit, leaving a little overhang. Roll the overhang up and pinch tightly to seal with the crust. Crimp or seal the edges with your fingers or a fork.
  6. Cut a few slits on the top to let out steam. Brush with beaten egg white and sprinkle the sugar on top. Chill in the freezer for 1 hour or overnight in the refrigerator.
  7. Preheat the oven to 450°F. Bake the pie on the lowest oven rack for 15 minutes. Turn the heat down to 375°F and move the pie to the center rack. Bake for another 30 minutes or until the crust is golden. If the crust edges begin browning too much cover with parchment.
  8. Let cool for at least half an hour before eating, but note that this is very good warm! Vanilla ice cream or whipped cream are both heavenly with it.




  1. In a bowl combine all but the oil and with a wire whip.
  2. While whipping, dribble in the olive oil to make an emulsion, held together by the mustard.

Poppyseed dressing


Paneer Cheese



Toasted Sesame Miso



  1. Toast the sesame seeds in a hot, dry pan until golden
  2. Blend the seeds, koji grains and salt together with the water until completely smooth
  3. Transfer the mixture to a container and drop it on the counter a few times to get rid of any air bubbles (this ensures the miso ferments evenly)
  4. Cover the container with muslin cloth, secure with elastic or string and leave in a warm place to ferment – the warmer it is the quicker the fermenting process will be. 25°C takes around 5 days, so this is best made in summer if you don’t have a dehydrator
  5. Taste after 5 days – if you are happy with the flavour, store in the fridge to halt the fermentation process. If you are not in a hurry, the best misos are left to age for years





  1. To begin, soak the rice for 3–6 hours then rinse until the water runs clear
  2. Now steam the rice, either in a rice cooker or in a steam oven using the following method. Whichever method you choose, it’s critical that you don’t overcook the rice, you want it to only be half cooked. If you overcook the rice, it will stick together and be difficult to mix and inoculate evenly with the koji spores
  3. Place a wire rack in a steamer gastro tray and line with a sheet of muslin cloth. Evenly spread the washed rice in an even layer, then place the gastro tray in a larger gastro tray filled with boiling water a third of the way up
  4. Cover the top of the tray in cling film, then place a lid on top. Place in a steam oven set to 100% steam on full fan for 1 ½ hours – the rice should be only half-cooked
  5. Remove the tray from the oven and leave to cool with the cling film intact to ensure that the rice doesn’t dry out while cooling
  6. Once completely cooled, place the rice in an empty gastro tray in an even layer, sift over two thirds of the rice and koji powder and mix well with a spatula
  7. Return the rice to the muslin-lined steamer gastro tray and spread out in an even layer. Place a damp cloth in the base of the other gastro, ensuring it doesn’t touch the base of the rice tray
  8. Sift the remaining koji mixture evenly over the surface of the rice and drape a large, clean napkin over the surface of the tray and secure tightly with elastic or string, ensuring the surface is fairly taut
  9. Place a lid over the top to seal and place the rig in the dehydrator at 37°C for 5–7 days, mixing the rice every 2 days with sterilised utensils
  10. The rice will have a 1 inch layer of clean white mould layered on top (or green mould, if using barley instead of rice). It should smell sweet and floral, and will be ready to use to make miso, rice pudding and porridge
  11. Alternatively, you can keep the koji in the freezer for up to 3 months, or allow to dry out for future use



7% sweet miso

20% salty miso


  1. To make a 7% sweet miso, start by cooking the soy beans. Steaming is the best method here as they won't absorb too much liquid; the dryer the miso and the longer it takes to ferment, the better the flavour will be
  2. Combine the cooked soy beans with the remaining ingredients and blitz in a blender. You can choose to blend until completely smooth or leave a little texture depending on your preference. Transfer to a container and drop on the counter a few times to get rid of any air bubbles – you need the carbon dioxide to escape otherwise the miso will ferment unevenly
  3. Cover the container with muslin cloth and leave in a warm place – the warmer it is the quicker the process will be. 25°C takes around 5 days, so miso is best made in summer if you don’t have a dehydrator
  4. Taste after 5 days. If you are happy with the taste, store in the fridge to halt the fermentation process, or leave it out for a few more days to develop the flavour. If you're not in a hurry to use it, leave the miso in the fridge to develop slowly.
  5. To make a 20% salty miso, cook the soy beans, again steaming is the best method for thi
  6. Blend the cooked soy beans with the remaining ingredients, either until completely smooth or keeping a little texture if preferred. Transfer to a container and drop it on the counter a few times to get rid of any air bubbles
  7. Cover the container with muslin cloth and leave in a cool, dark area for at least 1 month. As with other fermented products such as wine, miso can be aged for years, and you can achieve a variety of fruity, floral or earthy flavours depending on how long you leave it

Indonesian Spice Blends

White Spice Blend

Red Spice Blend

Yellow Spice Blend